Monday, July 26, 2010


Life is like a road...
We are cars, driven by our souls.
Imagine driving on a road that has no turns, no ups and downs.. no red lights.
No other cars around you..
Just you alone.. on a straight and smooth road.
No chance for bumpy rides.
At first, it might sound like a good idea.
But imagine driving on such a road for years.. and years.
It's boring.
We get lost sometimes, and in this road of life there is no U-turn.
But there will always be a right or left turn.
Being lost is not necessarily a bad thing.
We find alternative routes,
we discover other ways to live this life.
And sometimes we might find places we never been,
places so beautiful that you wonder why you never pass by.
This is not an easy journey,
but it's an exciting one.
And soon you'll find yourself in love with driving,
you love to move your wheels and explore.
Don't stop in the middle and think this road is going no where.
This road will end someday,
and before it happens, you want to get there.
Get there and watch the sunset.

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