Thursday, May 7, 2009

How well do you know Tris Marlis? in FB

Do you know what happen when someone just set up a new blog? He/ she tends to write often, this is what we called as "3-minute flame" in chinese, or "As hot as chicken shit" in Indonesian. Alright, that was bullshit. So here I am as an FNG "f------g new guy" making my second post of the day.

Let's talk about the recent quiz I made in Facebook, "How well do u know Tris Marlis?" The title itself reflects the stupidity of the content. But I am going to talk bout it anyway, since there were so many interesting results :)

First Q, Which one is my favorite ice cream flavor? Anyone who did talk to me recent years, specifically since 2007 will know the answer for this question. Green Tea, duh! But well I was not so in love with green tea yet before that. I guess it was during the senior high school when I turned into a green tea freak, who loves anything with green tea. Such as green tea ice-cream, green tea pretzel, green tea latte, green tea any blas. Even a recent friend I made in class knew I love green tea ice cream. Am I being to public about my love for "thee"?

Second Q, What am I scared of? Holy Mollie, all of those options sound scary to everybody. But well there is only which is unbearable for me :) which is REPPPTILEES, see I shake even just typing it out. I guess I am not afraid of blood, I don't in what kind of massive amount would turn me into one. But I've had injuries which cover myself with blood and I had no problem with that. Needles? Scared the hell out of me everytime before injection. But when I was young I had this injections from head to toe, even at my 7 fingertips. So I guess, I will not have worse "needle" exprience since then. Water? As in POOL of water, hell yeah I don't know how to swim. Hydrophobia is a good excuse for my dad, I don't know if I am really afraid of water. I do enjoy pouring rain, but I never learned to swim. WHY?!

Third Q, What song would I choose in a karaoke bar? A lot of people chose Pretty Boy. Well I sang that song almost everytime I went to karaoke, but not because I love it, but ONE of my friends do. I never will choose that song, the repetition of "pretty pretty boy" just annoys me, but I love the tune that is why I sing along, sometimes. The answer was "I don't wanna miss a thing" MAN I love this song, and u feel like to open your mouth so wide like Aerosmith in the video. In fact, who doesn't love this song? I like Eminem, I like the part in "Lose Yourself" where it goes "just lose it ah ahahah!" but I can never catch up with that. "Hey there delilah" is nice at first, but when it comes to "heyyy wat'd u do to meee" the repetition again annoys me. Lastly, I love JT, but there is some annoying repetition too in song. Oh well, the truth is I can never sing JT song!

Q no 4, I don't wanna talk about it. You know why? I realized that B could be a correct answer too, but I couldn't give everybody a bonus point. HAHA! Well I did live in Jakarta, before I turned 4. But I was too young for any long term consciousness, sorry I forgot for an instance.

LAST Q, basically what language I am interested in the MOST? Come on, I took Spanish last Summer, isn't it obvious enough? French and German are too hard, too much murmuring, I might want to learn some from En Ning:) I was crazy of Nippon-go when I was young, but not anymore, still interested, but not a major one. Korean? Why everybody said Korean? I could speak Korean, when I am not in front of a Korean, speaking randomly WHATEVER ends with -YO -CI -DE ? I guess by doing that, everybody thought I was so obsessed with Korean that I tried to talk like them.

Okay, the end of revision. I am so proud of my boy Kevin and my girl Ye Qi.

Love, Tris <3

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