Thursday, November 19, 2009


Everybody say "DETOX!"
I am not planning to go on diet, I am just going to do some detox which is necessary.
Today was supposed to be my first day, almost made a good start, but failed in the end.
Started morning with grapes. Lunch was 2 fruit bowls full of watermelon and loupe.
Okay, things were going pretty well.
Then I started to get really hungry, I thought a little cheat won't harm.
I grabbed a handful of tortilla chips and munched on them.
Everything still tasted healthy, unlike potato chips.
I put myself in denial mode. Obviously, my detox plan had failed.
Friend told me I should just give up today and start my day 1 all over again tomorrow.
It sucks eating fruits whole day and then some tortilla chips just came and turned my efforts into nothing :(
Alright, plan failed. Grab some noodle, some dumpling and had my dinner.
There was a cookie, I ate them too.
I have some soy milk left, drank them.
I've just bought two bags full of veggies, so I guess Imma start to do this again tomorrow.
Let's hope it works.

Day 1 : all fruits
Day 2: all veggies
DAy 3: combination on veggie n fruits.
Day 4 : bananas n milk

From Day 5 onwards, I'll have some meat on the menu :)

Let's do this!

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